A little cake, a lot of fun. Hey everyone, are you going to celebrate birthday party? If you are, this article might be the right one for you. I am going to give you some ideas about Winnie the pooh birthday party.
If your kids really like Winnie the Pooh, I believe he/she will be very happy to have Winnie the pooh birthday party. Ask them what they want and what to prepare on their birthday. You can use yellow and red balloons for the decorations. You can also add some Winnie the pooh wallpaper or wall sticker in your home.
You can have standing party so everyone will enjoy the party more and can play along together. Kids love to move along and running around. You should also play some games  at the party such as human bingo, secret sticker, and scavenger hunt to find some treasure. Don’t forget to prepare a prize for the game winner. You can also have talent show on your party. Ask some kids to perform on stage like singing, dancing, or maybe playing drama to entertain everyone. Don’t forget to take a picture of their performance.
Lastly, prepare some snacks for everyone like chocolate, candies, and ice cream for everyone. Every kids loves ice cream in the summer. You should also prepare Winnie the pooh cake for your kids. For the main food you can prepare seafood grill or pasta.
That is all for the birthday ideas. Good luck preparing your party!