Your kids is growing up. No more toys and dolls. Hello everyone, today I will give you some tips about celebrating your kid sweet sixteen birthday party. Sometimes arranging birthday for teens tend to be harder than for kids because usually they already have their own will. If your kids offer to plan the party themselves it is okay, you can just give a little help.
You should prepare pen and paper then sit down and brainstorm with your kids about their birthday party and write it down when getting some ideas. Some essential things you need to prepare is invitations, food, decorations, games, event plan, or perhaps souvernir if you want to.
You can choose to celebrate your birthday at home or at restaurant. If you celebrate it at restaurant, you don’t have to worry about the food but of course it will be more expensive. If you decide to celebrate it at home, prepare some dessert, sweets, snacks and another special treats for everyone.There are many things you can do on sixteen birthday. For example pool party, party in a hall, or something simple like ice skating party, skateboard party, and spa girl day. You should also prepare some ice breaker games to keep everyone entertaining. You can also inviting a DJ or singer to rock your party. For girls you can also have mall scavenger hunt, because going shopping is fun.
Lastly, you can give souvernir to the guest, for example party photo or another merchandise like mug, t shirt, or towel.
That’s all the ideas for your sweet sixteen party. Good luck preparing your awesome party!