Surprise! This adorable baby doll is here! sparkling, glittering, shining. Does your little girl loves LOL so much? If she does. It’s perfect for your upcoming party concept idea. Here are some tips for your LOL Surprise Party Ideas :
- Photo Booth, your Photo Booth must be shining and shimmering all day! Decorate it with some bright pink, purple and mint balloons, your header party and LOL Baby doll character! Put it in strategic place and your photo booth will be stunning all day long. Fun and cheerful
- Cake and sweet table cloth decoration, there are thousand of inspiration LOL birthday cake on internet, just go to the nearest cake shop and drop your request! or you can bake your own cake with your little girl and add some moment. Plus, don’t forget for matching your table cloth decoration, to make it easier use a set! Such as polkadot mint straw and pink paper glass, LOL plate and so on. you can find LOL surprise table cloth set in or your nearest offline store
- Dress like LOL little baby doll, choose your favourite doll character, copy her style for a day, go to tailor and dress like her in your special party.
- Food and beverage, people said rules : don’t starve your guest when we can sort them out all through party with our yummylicious meals . consequently, make sure if you already count the number of guest and the amount of food. By the way, most kids have a sweet tooth. So, don’t forget to throw some candy, cupcakes and ice cream. Psstt…. let them free for one day
- Last but not least, It’s invitation! Your party won’t be so fun without guest, they won’t be come without an invitation. So, put invitation on your top list and make it as good as possible girls. But, don’t worry, we’ve already designed it for you. This free printable LOL Surprise Invitation can be yours without no cost! Plus, these template come with different cute baby dolls, you can freely to choose.
How to use LOL Surprise Invitation Templates
Relax peeps, all you have to do is save it in your PC. First, move your pointer on selected image and click blue-shape bottom under your image template, upload your template on your photo editor app, write your words and print it with cardstock paper to make it more glamour. Plus, you can spread glitter on your envelope to make it more shining!