Let’s celebrate a birthday party. Hello everyone, I believe everyone loves cool and tough animal like dinosaur. Today, I am going to give you some ideas about dinosaur birthday party. It’s good to be back to past and meet the dinosaurs.
Tell your kids to put away their books and prepare for their birthday party. You can prepare pen and paper then sit down and brainstorm with your kids about their birthday party. You need to prepare dinosaur stuffed dolls for decorations. You can also make a dinosaurs statur for your decorations and display. You can make it of sterofoam.Prepare some ice breaker games to keep everyone entertaining and play with each other at the party. Some of the games you can play are name the dinosaurs. I believe some kids knows the dinosaurs name. This game can make the kids smarter and have more knowledge.
You can celebrate your kids birthday at restaurant or at home, it’s your choice. If you celebrate it at restaurant, you can can pick the food from the menu. Don’t forget to prepare yellow or maybe brown cake for your kid. If you decide to celebrate it at home, prepare some dessert, sweets and another special treats like dinosaurs, cupcakes with horse on top of it, and fun shaped candy and lollipops. There are many kinds of dinosaurs shapes you can make. You can look it up on the internet.
That’s all the ideas for your son dinosaur’s birthday party. Good luck preparing your kid awesome party!