Paw Patrol is an animated series that is no less popular among children, in addition to entertaining stories, this animated series includes animated series that teach kindness to children. This animation teaches children to help each other, and is a good lesson for children. Paw Patrol is actually a rescue agency for the citizens of Adventure Bay and works with the mayor to protect the citizens of the city. Although the members of the Paw Patrol are dogs, they are magical dogs that can save the color of the city from bad things, this rescue agency has a leader named Ryder who helps in rescue missions in each episode.
The main icon in this animated movie is the tower where Ryder and his rescue dogs live. For this reason, I used this tower as the main background which was then combined with the cloud and sun items around it. In addition, I also added some dog footprints to make it more adorable.
I also carefully selected the best images for this design, I used the best resolution images so that you have the best results when printing it into a card that is ready to be shared. Not just one, but I made eleven design options that you can choose randomly or choose which design you like for your spectacular party. Some bone-shaped snacks or biscuits can also be served to guests to reinforce the theme of your party.
And because the invitation we present to you today is a package that can be use immediately, here we will gave you a little guide on how to have your chosen invitation and make your party become complete and then leaving a memorable memory.
First, choose the one that you like the most then right-click on the chosen invitation. When a new option tab comes out, choose the one with ‘save image as’. Save it in your device and done your invitation finally yours. And then you can add party information by using Microsoft Word or Adobe Photoshop to add them. It’s very simple and easy, right? And if you want to edit them with an easy way, we have a template for them here.