To have a guest like you would be delight. Hey fellas, we are happily inviting you to Tom birthday party. To is going to turn sixteen this February and he is excited to celebrate the event with you guys. This will be the party like you never see before.
As you already know, Tom is really loves sport especially skateboard. We will held the party on the skateboard park in the town. Let us play and score.

We will play skateboard and some games on the park. Anyone who win the game will bring home an interesting and memorable gift.
We will provide a lot of drinks, sweets, cakes and cookies at the party. We will have barbeque party at the park. This will be the most fun party you will ever imagine.
For you guys who love to sing, you can sing a song to entertain everyone on the party. You can sing or dance together with your friends. Don’t be ashamed to dance all night and all out because you only live once.
Anyway, the party will be held in central park on:
Date : Saturday, 13 February 2016
Time : 6 PM
Address : 1126 Lowes Alley Rio Grande, New York City 4567
We can’t wait to welcome and see you on our party this Saturday. Your presence is the best present. See you there and play along!