First birthday is very important for our kids. First birthday means we are happy that our kids can make it through the first year of their lives. Before we do the birthday party, we have to make some preparation like guest list, food, home decorations, and invitation card.
When making guest list for your kids first birthday, you will also invite their parents, because the kids you will invite is still need the parents company.
When giving birthday invitations, you have to give RSVP. RSVP means Respondez S’il Vous Plait which means please reply. With RSVP you will know the number of guest, so the party will be easier to plan. Make your invitation card simple and easy to read. Send your birthday invitations at least two weeks before the party, it will be easier for the guest to plan to come.
Since there will be many toddlers to your party, you should also prepare a room if something happen like someone is pee, or some mom needs to breastfeeding.
Keep your home decorations simple. Do not use too many decorations because you invite toddlers and they sometimes could mess everything around.
Birthday party always need some foods and snacks for the guest. Try to choose less messy food for the party to avoid spill while the party starting.
Keep the party fun by making ice breaker game or sing along together at the party. You have to keep everyone happy and excited.
That’s all the tips. Good luck preparing your birthday event!