Brumm.. Brummm… Tell your boys to put away their pen and books and have fun at the party. If you have a son who’s going to have a birthday party, I will give you and idea about how to make disney cars themed birthday party.
You can prepare pen and paper then sit down and brainstorm with your son about his birthday party. Ask your son what they want on their birthday. You need to prepare about decorations, souvernir, and games. You can use cars decorations like tyre or car sparepart. Don’t forget using balloons for the party, because a party is not complete without balloons. Don’t forget to buy some cars party supplies.
Prepare some ice breaker games to keep everyone entertaining and play with each other at the party. You can play balloon burst, mural fun, or two truths and a lie. This is will bring some sweat and excitement for kids at the party. If someone wins, give him a prize.
You can celebrate your boys birthday at restaurant or at home, it’s your choice. If you celebrate it at restaurant, you don’t have to worry about the food. You can celebrate it on Mcdonald perhaps. If you decide to celebrate it at home, prepare some dessert, sweets and another special treats for everyone to celebrate the party. Don’t forget to prepare the main food like pasta or barbeque.
That’s all the ideas for your son disney cars birthday party. Good luck preparing your son awesome party!