Let’s join the Mardi Gras madness. Hello fellas, now is the time of the most anticipated festival. Let’s celebrate mardi gras birthday party. If your birthday is near with the mardi gras festival, it is the time to celebrate mardi gras party.
When celebrate mardi gras birthday party, it’s better to have masquerade birthday party. Have your guest wear purple colour half mask on their faces. You also need to have a lot of glittery decorations on your house. You can use purple or green table cloth for your food table. You can also ask your friend to be male jester or female jester then wear a costume on the front to greet the guests.
Match your birthday invitations with the birthday themed. You can use purple and glittery invitations for your birthday invitations. Your invitations can add party spirits for your guest.
You will need some snacks and finger food on your birthday party. You can prepare some cookies, candies, chocolate, or cupcakes for your birthday party. Decide the venue for your birthday party. Try to look for a nice restaurant in town or you can prepare the party yourself at home.
Provide spooky photobooth for everyone to take picture with their masks. If you want to, ask the guest to post the photo on instagram so you know whose guest took the best picture. You can provide prize for some winner who took the best picture.
That is all for the birthday ideas. Good luck preparing your fantastic party!